Science Splice

Writer, Puzzle Designer

EscapeSC Online Escape Room

Science Splice was an online escape room style experience designed by members of EscapeSC. Groups of 2-6 players played as a poor lab intern who ends up split into the two halves of their brain and has to work to put themselves back together or stay spliced forever.

For this experience, I helped write the scripts for the introduction and ending videos, which immerse the player in the narrative. I also helped design two of the puzzles: the spectral lines puzzle and the final antidote puzzle.

Science Splice is available to play online for $5! Visit EscapeSC's official website to learn more. The experience was also reviewed by reviewers TheEscapeRoomer on Instagram and EscapeTheRoomers. Telescape Live, the software we used to create the experience, also published a case study about Science Splice!


TheEscapeRoomer Review - EscapeTheRoomers Review - Telescape Case Study